Dear clients!

We kindly inform you, that our STORAGE 1 (LADU 1) is open again.

Working hours: Mon-Fr 8.00-16.45 Sat-Sun – closed

Dear clients!

01.02.2025 our prices will be changed. New pricelist > here.

Since 23rd December 2024 STORAGE 1 is closed for winter.

Loading is available in STORAGE 2  (Mon-Fr 8.00-16.45 Sat-Sun – closed)

Dear clients!

Last chance!

Only in January 2025 a crushed limestone fr 2-8 mm by 9.15 euro/ton
(incl. sale tax (22%) and a discount 25%).

LOADING: Mon-Fr 8 a.m.-4 p.m. STORAGE 2

Dear clients!

Since 02.05.2024 STORAGE 2 is opened Mon-Fr 8.00-17.30 Sat-Sun – closed.

Dear clients!

From 01.04.2024 our pricelist will be changed. New prices > here.

Since 25th March 2024 our STORAGE 1 is opened Mon-Fr 8.00-16.45 Sat-Sun – closed.

ACTION! SPECIAL PRICE for crushed limestone fr 2-8 mm – 6.50 euro/tonn + sale tax (22%).
Offer is valid till 28.03.2024.

Dear clients and partners!

We wish you peaceful Christmas and Happy New Year!

Our working days and opening hours:
23.12.-26.12.2023 – we are closed.

Office and LADU 2 opening hours:
27.12.-29.12.2023 – 8.00-16.45.
30.12.2023-01.01.2024 – closed

Since 02.01.2024 we are working by regular timetable, exc. LADU 1 (since 14.12.2023 closed).

Dear clients!

Since 22.11.2023 we offer crushed limestone fr 2-8 mm with SPECIAL PRICE – 7.00 euro/tonn + sale tax.
Offer is valid till 29.11.2023.
Selling on LADU 1 (Karjääri tee, Harkujärve)

Have a nice winter!

Dear client!

Since 16.12.2022 LADU 1 closed.

LADU 2 opening hours:
working day till 22.12.2022 8.00-17.00
23.12.2022 8.00-13.45
since 27.12.2022 LADU 2 is open Mon-Fr 8.00-16.45.
Office opening hours:
23.12.2022 – 8.00-13.45.
27.12.2022-30.12.2022 – 8.00-16.45
26.12.2022 – company closed

Since 02.01.2022 we are working by regular timetable, exc. LADU 1 (closed).

Merry Christmas!

AS Harku Karjäär announces that 01st December 2022 the decision of the Board of the Foundation Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus has granted the application for support of the project “Investing in the efficiency of the resources of AS Harku Karjäär”. AS Harku Karjäär is implementing a project with the measure “Improving green technologies in the resource efficiency of industrial enterprises” and wants to purchase an innovative mobile crushing and screening line in order to use the company’s resources more efficiently and also increase production. The total cost of the project is EUR 1,100,000, including eligible costs of EUR 1,100,000.

Supported project number in the E-environment of structural aids No. The maximum benefit rate is 30% of the project cost, but not more than 330,000 euros. The eligible period since 01.12.2022 till 30.11.2024.

Dear customers!

Since 1st September 2022 crushed limestone fr 2-8 mm 10 eur/ton. The price is valid till product is “out-of-stock” or till 31st December 2022.

Price includes sale tax (20%).

STORAGE 1 open hours: Mon-Fr 8.00 a.m.-4.45 p.m.

More information: tel 657 1144, e-mail:

AS Harku karjäär

On 4th May 2022 AS Harku Karjäär project application was supported by decision of the management board of the Environmental Investment Center (SA Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus).
AS Harku Karjäär project was funded by European Union European Regional Development Fund in sum 7300 euros.
AS Harku Karjäär wishes to conduct energy and resources audit of its production process within project Nr 2014-2020.4.03.22-0751 “Detailed energy and resource efficiency audit of AS Harku Karjäär manufacturing”, which will be centralized on resources usage today and finding efficiency potential, special in the crushing and sorting and the production process using diesel.

Project starts on 11.03.2022, finish: 31.12.2022.

Dear Customers!
Since 1st December 2020 STORAGES nr 1 and nr 2 open Mon-Fr from 8.00 a.m. till 4.45 p.m.
Sut-Sun –closed.

On 10th June 2019 AS Harku Karjäär opened the competition “AS Harku Karjäär pesuliini ostmine” (Purchase of a washing line for AS Harku Karjäär) and invites you to participate in the competition. Delivery production is carried out in accordance with the law and other valid legal acts of the Republic of Estonia. All exchange of information and submission of proposals takes place in accordance with the conditions specified in the delivery documents through the state procurement portal

Name: Hange: 209644 AS Harku Karjäär pesuliini ostmine. Direct link:

On 22nd April 2019  AS Harku Karjäär investment application was supported by decision of the management board of the Environmental Investment Center (SA Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus). AS Harku Karjäär is leading the project with the measure “Energy and Resource Efficiency of Undertakings” for the installation of a washing line on the territory of the enterprise in order to more effectively use the illiquid material left after the crushing and produce washed crushed limestone and sand. The number of the supported project is  2014-2020.4.03.19-0414. Support sum is 200,000 euros.



Quarry of Harku PLC established in 1991. The company is located near Tallinn, on the territory of Harku and Saue parish. For many years, we have been working successfully in the field of mining and producing building materials. We use the newest technologies and modern equipment in both mining and producing, which provides the quality of our products.

For many years we have been successfully developing in the field of mining and production of building materials. For the extraction of mineral resources, as well as in a production, we use the latest technologies and modern environmentally friendly equipment, which allows us to economically use mineral resources and produce high-quality products, the quality of which meets the norms and requirements of EU standards, as well as the legislation of the Republic of Estonia.
Our goal is to satisfy needs of our customers with quality products at reasonable prices and the economical use of mineral resources.

We offer both companies and private customers different fractions of crushed limestone and granite, a exploded limestone, limestone sand and road mixtures. We also offer a deliver by road transport.


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We mine high-quality limestone from open pit Harku and from this material we produce crushed limestone of different fractions.


21st December 2005 Certification Center of Tallinn University of Technology issued to AS Harku Karjäär EC Certificate of Conformity of Factory Production Control, which confirms that the products manufactured by AS Harku Karjäär and meet the requirements of the European Union standards and the production meets to the control system. In October 26, 2016 the Certificate was issued and the updated certificate No. 1504-СPR-0280, which is also valid today.


Quality and manufacture control is very important for us and we make it on daily base.

Quality parameters of crushed limestone we check in accredited laboratory and these meet the requirements approved by European Standards:

EN 12620 : 2002 + A1:2008 “Aggregates for concrete”
EN 13043 : 2002 + AC:2004 “Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, airfields and other trafficked areas”
N 13242 : 2002 + A1:2007 “Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction”
EN 13450 : 2002 + AC 2004 “Aggregates for railway ballast”

Below you can find average values of our crushed stone physical and mechanical (technical) characteristics:

Flakiness indexFl15
Shape indexSl15
Los Angeles coefficient LA25-30
Freeze-thaw resistance (< 2%)F2
Particle density2,6 mg/м3
Water absorption1.3%-1.5%


We work all year round and are pleased to provide you with our products and services!


* – discount does not apply for contract customers (except, if one pre-payment order will be more than 100 tons, in this case 5% discount will be applied both to the goods and to the delivery).
** – discount does not apply.

Discounts are not cumulative.


Note: Delivery price calculating – it includes a full carrying capacity of the lorry and don’t depend on the weight of the transported cargo.

We also produce unbound mixtures. For more information please send your request e-mail:
Sales department: phone 657 1144, Mon-Fr 8 a.m. – 4.45 p.m.

PRICE valid from 1st February 2025.


Without Sales taxincl. Sales tax (22%)
Crushed limestone
0-10 mm *5.006.10
0-16 mm *6.808.30
0-31,5 mm*6.007.32
0-63 mm10.7513.12
4-8 mm16.0019.52
4-8 mm (washed)12.5015.25
4-16 mm15.7519.22
8-16 mm15.7519.22
4-32 mm ja 4-63 mm15.0018.30
16-32 mm ja 32-64 mm14.5017.69
Crushed limestone mixtures* (pre-order)9.0010.98

0-500 mm9.0010.98
0-1500 mm8.009.76
Limestone sand*3.504.27
Limestone sand 0.063-4 mm5.256.41
Limestone sand 1-4 mm5.256.41
Limestone sand 0-1,4 mm (tellimisel)*5.006.10
Yellow stone 0-500 mm6.307.69
Fill soil**2.503.05

Crushed granite*
0-4 mm16.0019.52
4-8 mm, 4-16 mm, 8-16 mm25.0030.50
16-32 mm20.0024.40
Waste intake service** Since 01.01.2021 service is not available. Your request about service availability, please send to

Natural soil**2.002.44
Stone waste **5.006.10
Order – 2 working days before a delivery day.
NB! The price includes a full carrying capacity of the lorry (12-tons, 17-tons or 27-tons) and don’t depend on weight of the transported cargo.

if you order >500 tons and km >150.21 EUR/ton/km0.256EUR/ton/km
if you order <500 tons or km ≤150.25 EUR/ton/km0.305 EUR/ton/km
Car rent (up to 13 ton) min. 4 hours35.00 EUR/H42.70 EUR/H
Car rent (up to 30 ton) min. 4 hours50.00 EUR/H61.00 EUR/H


Dear Clients!

NB! Some products may be out of stock. We advise you to enquire in advance the availability of products in our storages before you send your transport.

Filling in an order blanc, please, put into additional information your comments, such as the planned delivery date and time and etc., which may concern your order.

Note: if you order our transport, please do it at least two working days before delivery day. Order form is not allowed to calculate all options with transport, those you will get a prepayment according to your order details, and where you will see correct cost of transport. If any reasons you do not receive a response within 2 hours after you send the order or till the end of this working day, please immediately contact us.

Note: Delivery price calculating – it includes a full carrying capacity of the lorry and don’t depend on the weight of the transported cargo.

It’s important! When you order our delivery, please inform us, if there are any prohibitory traffic signs in your way or other circumstances. In this case you must apply the License for temporary movement permit. For getting information about the route, delivery days and other data, please contact our sales department by e-mail  Mon-Fri 8.00-16.30.